Teach Me to be Kind...... To Myself!
Teach Me to be Kind...... To Myself! I'm six months in. I'm almost sure I could write in the header of my curriculum vitae "Parenting Pro, Mother Extrondinaire". I'm totally chill and at ease with runny shit, inaccessible baby buggers, and dolphin like wailing at three in the morning. Basically, in a nutshell, embracing this parenting malarky is just one more magnificent achievement I can call my own. Or so I'm allowing myself to believe. My methods may not match your methods. My baby might not do the things your baby does, and I vow never to brag about the things my baby can achieve, be they premature developments, or not. We each embark upon this journey in our own way. Some of us have planned, some of us have not. And just as our pregnancies are all different, (I for one had one of those "can't I just die already" first trimesters), so too are our babies. It's so difficult not to succumb to the internet and ask, a...